How Vaccines Work
The nuts and bolts of vaccines and immunology
Improving the Vaccination Experience
Simple steps to address anxiety and pain
Importance of Vaccines
Vaccines are one of the greatest success stories in reducing disease and death from infections
Paying for Vaccines
Information about insurance and paying
Vaccines are routinely available at doctors’ offices, health centers, and pharmacies. Special vaccination clinics are sometimes held at schools or other public locations. For more information see Where to Get Vaccinated.

Improving the Vaccination Experience
People of any age can feel a bit anxious about getting a shot. Some may be so anxious that they avoid vaccination…even when they know it’s important. Learn more about simple ways to help any child or adult feel better and more confident when getting vaccinated.
Read MoreAfter the Shots … What To Do if Your Child Has Discomfort
Tips for parents, includes information about medication that reduces pain and fever.
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Why Vaccines Work
As more and more parents choose not to vaccinate their children or are vaccinating them later, diseases like measles are making a comeback. Are vaccines safe? How do vaccines work? Why do some people claim there is a link between vaccines and autism? This video looks at the history and science of vaccines and why people are afraid of something that has saved so many lives.