About Us

VaccineInformation.org is a project of Immunize.org. This site presents straightforward information about vaccine-preventable diseases and their vaccines.

At VaccineInformation.org, you will find only accurate, factual information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. We have hundreds of valuable resources, including testimonies of suffering and loss due to vaccine-preventable conditions, vaccine-related videos and public service announcements, and educational materials from trusted partner organizations.

Launched in 2002 by the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC, now Immunize.org) in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), VaccineInformation.org covers the entire lifespan, from infants and children to preteens, teens, and throughout adulthood.

About Immunize.org

Immunize.org works to increase immunization rates and prevent disease by creating and distributing educational materials for health professionals (Immunize.org) and the public (VaccineInformation.org) that contribute to our collective goal of safe and effective immunization services.

We also promote and share valuable information about vaccine safety, effectiveness, and use among the community of patients, parents, healthcare organizations, and government health agencies. 

Both of our websites, Immunize.org and VaccineInformation.org, drive our organization’s mission to promote immunization and increase rates of immunization through programs supported by educational grants, donations, and partnership projects with like-minded organizations who share our commitment to public health. One such partnership is with CDC, which provides support for specific projects, including Vaccineinformation.org and educational materials from Immunize.org and trusted partner organizations.

2136 Ford Parkway, Suite 5011
Saint Paul, MN 55116

Email: admin@vaccineinformation.org
Phone: 651-647-9009
Fax: 651-647-9131

We are available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., CT

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